Carbon Offsetting

Carbon Offset vs Carbon Reduction

Our focus is on carbon reduction, this provides cash savings that are normally significantly more than the cost of voluntarily offsetting the residual emissions.

UK Public Sector used to offset via the Public Sector Offsetting scheme with pricing and details managed by the Department of Energy and Climate change, as offsetting has become more controversial public sector bodies are now creating their own offset schemes.

For individual and private sector offsets, then either a CER or a Voluntary offset can be used.  There are a very large range of offsets available, and Co2Analysis manages offsetting for those customers that choose to offset.

Carbon Offsetting programs

Co2Analysis manage a certified offsetting program for all customers.  There is no charge for this for items that are sold via the green marketplace.  Customers that wish to have certified offsetting for any sales outside the green marketplace, will need to have their sales audited.  This can be via a quarterly datafile to be provided at the same time as the organisations VAT report, and along with the VAT report, so that the two files can be reconciled electronically.  The charge for auditing against the vat report is £ 50 per quarter.